ISSN 0975-0606


Impact of GST on Infrastructure

“Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.” - Anonymous


A no-pregnancy clause (‘NPC’), i.e. a clause forbidding pregnancy, is generally found in employment contracts, and provides that a breach of the clause would lead to termination of employment. While facially gender neutral, these clauses obviously kick-in only for females. This article aims to identify whether such clauses in film contracts will withstand legal scrutiny in India writes Ayushi Singhal.

Transparency the need of the hour!

Vikrant Pachnanda comments on transparency being the need of the hour as far as constitution of benches and allocation of cases in the Supreme Court is concerned.

The Sarai Act of 1867 – Time to let go

Alabh Anant Lal writes on The Sarai Act of 1867 and analyses its relevancy.

Interview of the Month

Mr. Navneet S. Chugh

India Law Journal's Vikrant Pachnanda and Pratik Purswani spoke with Mr. Navneet S. Chugh about the Indian Lawyers Association and their upcoming Annual Conference on the 22nd of December, 2018

Ques: Can you tell us about the Indian Lawyers Association (ILA) that was started by you?
Ans: I have been in California for the last 37 years. After law school, I practiced in the US and I am actively associated with Bar Associations in the United States...

Book Review

Technology Laws Decoded by N. S. Nappinai

Reviewed by:
Anirveda Sharma reviews the 1st edition of this book on Technology and Cyber laws in India.

As the world woke up to the recent WannaCry ransomware attack on computers across the globe, the fault lines in our cyber architecture became evident to citizens across the world. In such times when technology as an insatiable and infinite force has permeated into every aspect of human life there is a growing need to evolve our legal system to meet the needs of this dynamic new interface. With this surrealistic merging of our real world with its virtual counterpart; the fabric of our realities...


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