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Vishwam Jindal
Associate Editor

Opening Address

Dear all,

A very warm welcome to the 3rd issue of ILJ for 2012.

This issue has wonderful and informative articles to read and explore diverse areas of law ranging from international arbitration to law & governance, also featuring articles on sexual offenses. Articles discuss the overruling of Bhatia and venture global cases by the Supreme Court, principles of contract drafting & review, sexual offences against children, the Lokpal bills and issue of enforcement under investment arbitration.

The interview of the month deals with setting up and growth of Nishith Desai Associates, a premier law firm. The book review on ‘Bencil presents Protect your Ideas’ offers unique insights into the book and the manner in which it is written. This issue includes ILJ’s expert opinion by Mr. Diljeet Titus on the need for sports legislation in India. Important updates from April 2012-June 2012 have been covered in the legal wraps section.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those who have extended their unflinching support for the launch of India Law Journal, particularly our esteemed Board of Editors and the Editorial Team. I also wish to convey my sincere gratitude to the erudite personalities who have contributed invaluable articles for publication. Your feedback will be extremely useful.

Vishwam Jindal 
   Associate Editor

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