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‘Bencil presents Protect your Ideas by Rajeev Surana’, Scinnovation Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Vikrant Pachnanda reviews "Bencil presents Protect your Ideas" which serves as a perfect handbook for IP practitioners

‘Bencil presents Protect your Ideas‘Bencil presents Protect your Ideas’ serves as an extremely useful reference to IP practitioners and organizations who are not very familiar with how to protect one’s innovation. The book is written in such a lucid manner that it is very easy to understand and includes various case studies which only add to the clarity that the book provides. Thus, it also helps in spreading awareness about intellectual property. What I found most useful about this book was the chapter on resources which comes very handy when trying to know the procedure for protecting one’s intellectual property.

VIKRANT PACHNANDA is an Advocate practicing in India. He is also the Founder & Managing Editor of India Law Journal. He may be reached at vikrant.pachnanda@gmail.com.
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