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  1. Cran David & Griffiths Simon, Ambush Marketing: Unsporting Behavior or fair Play? Entertainment Law Review, 21 (8) (2010) 293-297.

  2. Bisman Kaur, Apprehending an ambush- how to defend against ambush marketing http://www.iammagazine.com/issues/Article.ashx?g=a96dceed-1e54-456c-bd75-6a38f819d228 accessed on 14th April 2011.

  3. Ambush Marketing, Bottom Feeder, (18) 1 (2006) 62

  4. Dr Eva Skrzydlo Tefelska, New Trends In Advertising: Environmentally Friendly Marketing And Ambush Marketing, Harvard Business Review, Polska, (2009) 119-123.

  5. Noelle K. Nish, How Far Have We Come? A Look at the Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1998, the United States Olympic Committee, and the Winter Olympic Games of 2002, Seton Hall J. Sport L. 13 (2003) 53-55

  6. Anne M. Wall, The Game Behind the Games, Marquette Sports Law Review 12 (2002) 557-560

  7. Collet P & Johnson, Don’t be Ambushed in London 2012, Brand Strategy, 199 (2006) 34-35.

  8. S Ironside, Major Event Management Act, Managing Intellectual Property, (184) (2006) 122.

  9. Vasallo Edwards, Kristin Blemaster, & Patricia Werner, an International Look at Ambush Marketing, The Trademark Reporter, 95(6) (2005) 1338-1356.

  10. Nandan Kamath, ‘Ambush marketing and Indian law - Module by The Law Offices of Nandan Kamath http://www.sportzpower.com/?q=content/ambush-marketing-and-indian-law-%E2%80%93-module- law-offices-nandan-kamath-0&page=0%2C2 accessed 10th April 2011

  11. Murali, Kumar Shankar Roy; interview with Nandan Kamath, Director of sports consultancy GoSports Should we legislate on ambush marketing.

  12. Abida Chaudri, London Olympics 2012 : The race is on, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 1 (2) (2006) 89-95

  13. San Francisco arts & athletics Inc v. United States Olympic Committee 483 U.S 522 (1987)

  14. MasterCard International, Inc v. Sprint Communication Co 1994 W.L 97097 (S.D.N.Y 1994).

  15. ICC Development V. Evergreen Service Station ( 2003) 26 PTC 228 (Del.)

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