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  • Essam El-Hinnawi, UNEP, Environmental Refugees 4 (1985).

  • Jodi Jacobson, Environmental Refugees: A Yardstick of Habitability 6 (World Watch Inst., World Watch Paper No.86, 1988).

  • Intergovennemental Panel on Climate Change: Synthesis Report: http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/index.htm

  • Derek R. Bell, “Environmental Refugees: What Rights? Which Duties?”, Res Publica 10 (2004) : 135.

  • Myers, 1997

  • Edgar S. Cahn & John Camper Cahn, Power to the People or to the Profession?- The Interest of the Public in Public Interest Law, 79 Yale Law Journal 1005 (1970).

  • Norman Myers, Climate Institute of Washington D.C., Environmental Refugees 154-60 (1995).

  • International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, World Disasters Report 20 (1999)

  • Munich Reinsurance Group, Topic 2000: Natural Catastrophes- The Current Position 62 (1999).

  • Suzette Brooks Masters, Environmentally Induced Migration: Beyond a Culture of Reaction, 14 Geo Immigr. L J 855 (2000)

  • Robert E Ebel, Chernobyl and its Aftermath ix (1994)

  • Richard H. Wagner, Indochina: The War against an Environment, Environment and Man, 360-74 (1971)

  • James K. Glassman, Counter-Insurgency, Ecocide and the Production of Refugees, Refuge, June 1992, 28.

  • Adam Roberts, Destruction of the Environment During the 1991 Gulf War, Int’l Rev. of the Red Cross, 1992 at 538

  • Res 687, UNSCOR, 46th Session, 2981st meeting, at 16 UN Doc S/RES/687 (1991)

  • Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, art. 8(2)(b)(iv), UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9 (1998);

  • Mark A. Drumbl, Waging War against the World: The need to Move from War Crimes to Environmental Crimes, 22 Fordham Int’l L J. 122, 126 (1998).

  • Joseph Yacoub, Minorities in the World, Facts and Analyses, 94 (1998)

  • Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evidence from Cases, Int’l Security, Summer 1994, at 5.

  • Guy-Goodwin-Gil, The Refugee in International law 19-20 (2nd ed.1996)

  • Astri Suhrke & A. Vestin, The Environmental Refugee: A New Approach, ECODECISION 73-74 (1991)

  • Symposium, Environmentally-Induced Population Displacements and Environmental Impacts Resulting from Mass Migrations, Int’l Organization for Migration and Refugee Policy Center (1996)

  • UNGA Res 217A, UNGAOR, 3rd Session, Articles 2, 18, 19, UN Doc. A/810 (1948)

  • International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, 999 UNTS 171

  • International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 993 UNTS 3

  • OAU- Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, 1969;, Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, Inter Am.CHR, OAS/Ser.L/V/II.66, doc.10, rev 190-193, 1984

  • JoAnn McGregor, Refugees and the Environment, in Geography and Refugees: Patterns and Processes of Change 159 (Richard Black & Vaughan Robinson eds., 1993)

  • UNHCR Basic Facts, available at http://www.unhcr.org

  • J.Sorenson, An Overview: Refugees and Development, in African Refugees: Development Aid and Repatriation 175,181 (H.Adelman and J.Sorenson eds. 1994)

  • Elizabeth G.Ferris, Beyond Borders: refugees, Migrants and Human Rights in the Post Cold War Era (1993)

  • UNHCR, Some Environmental concerns in Refugee Camps and Settlements, Rapprt 10: 1-4 at 1 (1996)

  1. Essam El-Hinnawi, UNEP, Environmental Refugees 4 (1985).

  2. Ibid.

  3. Jodi Jacobson, Environmental Refugees: A Yardstick of Habitability 6 (World Watch Inst., World Watch Paper No.86, 1988).

  4. Intergovennemental Panel on Climate Change: Synthesis Report: http://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/index.htm

  5. Derek R. Bell, “Environmental Refugees: What Rights?  Which Duties?”, Res Publica 10 (2004) : 135.

  6. Myers, 1997

  7. Above n.1

  8. Norman Myers, Climate Institute of Washington D.C., Environmental Refugees 154-60 (1995).

  9. International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, World Disasters Report 20 (1999)

  10. Munich Reinsurance Group, Topic 2000: Natural Catastrophes- The Current Position 62 (1999).

  11. Above n.10

  12. Suzette Brooks Masters, Environmentally Induced Migration: Beyond a Culture of Reaction, 14 Geo Immigr. L J 855 (2000)

  13. Robert E Ebel, Chernobyl and its Aftermath ix (1994)

  14. Richard H. Wagner, Indochina: The War against an Environment, Environment and Man, 360-74 (1971)

  15. James K. Glassman, Counter-Insurgency, Ecocide and the Production of Refugees, Refuge, June 1992, 28.

  16. Adam Roberts, Destruction of the Environment During the 1991 Gulf War, Int’l Rev. of the Red Cross, 1992 at 538

  17. Res 687, UNSCOR, 46th Session, 2981st meeting, at 16 UN Doc S/RES/687 (1991)

  18. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, art. 8(2)(b)(iv), UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9 (1998); See also Mark A. Drumbl, Waging War against the World: The need to Move from War Crimes to Environmental Crimes, 22 Fordham Int’l L J. 122, 126 (1998).

  19. Joseph Yacoub, Minorities in the World, Facts and Analyses, 94 (1998)

  20. Thomas F. Homer-Dixon, Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evidence from Cases, Int’l Security, Summer 1994, at 5.

  21. Ibid.

  22. Guy-Goodwin-Gil, The Refugee in International law 19-20 (2nd ed.1996)

  23. Above, n.1

  24. Astri Suhrke & A. Vestin, The Environmental Refugee: A New Approach, ECODECISION 73-74 (1991)

  25. Symposium, Environmentally-Induced Population Displacements and Environmental Impacts Resulting from Mass Migrations, Int’l Organization for Migration and Refugee Policy Center (1996)

  26. UNGA Res 217A, UNGAOR, 3rd Session, Articles 2, 18, 19, UN Doc. A/810 (1948)

  27. 999 UNTS 171

  28. 999 UNTS 171

  29. Above n.13

  30. OAU- Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, 1969;, Cartagena Declaration on Refugees, Inter Am.CHR, OAS/Ser.L/V/II.66, doc.10, rev 190-193, 1984

  31. JoAnn McGregor, Refugees and the Environment, in Geography and Refugees: Patterns and Processes of Change 159 (Richard Black & Vaughan Robinson eds., 1993)

  32. UNHCR Basic Facts, available at http://www.unhcr.org

  33. J.Sorenson, An Overview: Refugees and Development, in African Refugees: Development Aid and Repatriation 175,181 (H.Adelman and J.Sorenson eds. 1994)

  34. Ibid.

  35. Ibid.

  36. Elizabeth G.Ferris, Beyond Borders: refugees, Migrants and Human Rights in the Post Cold War Era (1993)

  37. UNHCR, Some Environmental concerns in Refugee Camps and Settlements, Rapprt 10: 1-4 at 1 (1996)
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