Despite the fact that international
organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil
society and individuals play an important role in forwarding
ideas and shaping indirectly the rules, principles and
concepts of international law, however, the fact remains
that states are still the most fundamental actors in
formulating international law. India’s efforts
to remove colonialism, apartheid, global economic inequality,
etc. are the hallmarks of its contributions; currently
its role in the evolving international regimes of international
trade, international patents, space and maritime laws,
just to name a few, is significant. On the other hand,
its efforts to reform international organizations like
the United Nations and to ensure permanent membership
in the Security Council for countries which have made
significant contributions to the realization of the
purpose and principles of the United Nations indicate
its commitment to work for more democratic international
legal institutions.
India has produced several international lawyers of
repute who have been expressing their views on international
law in a pronounced manner particularly after the independence
of the country. The views of various experts are not
available at any one single source. There has been a
need to put in one place as far as possible the views
of some Indian international lawyers of repute who would
bring out India's contribution to the codification and
progressive development of international law in various
fields so that the policy-makers and scholars both in
India and outside would get the assistance of a single
volume which would serve the purposes of policy, research
and reference. India and International Law volume (2005
and 2008) fill this important void. While 2005 volume
analysed classic and traditional areas of international
law, volume 2008 (volume 2) seeks examination of India's
policy and practical approach to contemporary and modern
issues of international law, such as nuclear weapons,
nuclear energy, climate change, investment, sports,
banking, biotechnology, taxation, feminism, and India
and UN reforms. The second volume identifies and analyses
solutions to legal issues in the area of private international
law, which hopefully would serve the purposes of relevant
policy-makers, judiciary, common men and women and 2.5
million Non-Resident Indians (NRIs).
These two volumes, prepared by a team of nearly 30 international
law practitioners and scholars of India, aim to promote
teaching and research of various subjects of international
law in university law departments and national law schools,
to bring Indian scholarship on the subjects to the attention
of the world community which will help to get a different
perspective on these subjects, to enhance specialised
studies in emerging subjects of international law which
is critically needed and to provide ideas and suggestions
to the policy-makers in the related areas and thus to
contribute to the enhanced interactions between the
scholarly and policy-making and law-making bodies, such
as, the Indian Law Commission, State Law Commissions
and various statutory bodies (Energy Commission, Sports
Authorities) of the government at national and state
level. In nutshell, these two volumes, unique of its
kind, will provide useful framework for similar studies
and will remain important source of consultation for
those who are interested in understanding India's state
practice on international law. India and International
Law volumes 1 and 2 enable the readers to realize the
sheer magnitude of legal challenges faced by India.
Most important salient concluding features of volume
1 and 2 are as follows:
2005 volume (volume
1) - ISBN 90-04-14519-2):
of India: The drafters of the Indian Constitution
have taken meticulous care of the traditional international
concerns such as war and peace, peaceful settlement
of international disputes, negotiations, conclusion
and implementation of international agreements as
well as modern international law concerns such as
protection of environment and human rights and have
incorporated the existing and evolving norms in
various provisions.
Principles of International Law: India’s
position and contribution on the general principles
and major issues of contemporary international law
such as recognition, self-determination, principles
of non-use of force and non-intervention, state
responsibility, prohibition of use of nuclear weapons,
terrorism, legislative role of the UN Security Council,
judicial review of the decisions of the UN organs,
terrorism, legislative role of the UN Security Council,
judicial review of the decisions of the UN organs,
terrorism, jus cogens and erga omnes obligations,
the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court,
emerging system of multilateral order and the United
Nations and peaceful settlement of disputes, illustrates
the importance and consistency of the role India
has been playing in the pre-colonial era and in
the post-independent phase in promoting rule of
law in international relations.
Trade Organisation: With regards to the
trade in services, it is clear that services are
subject to a number of non-tariff barriers, which
mostly remain invisible. This, most of the time,
makes it difficult to quantify the exchange of concessions.
There is a need to have total transparency, along
with a legally binding international code on restrictive
business practices. It is pertinent that developing
countries should have a proper legislative framework
on restrictive practices. India has already adopted
the Competition Act, 2002 (partly in force), which,
though not service specific legislation, will address
the anti-competitive practices of the enterprises.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs):
In the area of intellectual property rights (IPRs),
it is seen that India had a marginal space to accommodate
its concerns. While for India, its concerns on IPRs,
particularly on patent protection, were clear, its
WTO obligations required it to modify its existing
patents law. The last years have seen India gradually
amending its Patents Act of 1970 to meet its WTO
obligations. Implications of these modifications
are slowly sinking down into the Indian economic
and industrial development process. While it appears
that India has managed to withstand some of these
changes, the precise legal and economic implications
of these changes, particularly in the area of the
pharmaceutical and chemical sector, needs long-term
review. Currently, India is moving forward with
the changes as envisaged under the WTO regime. Some
of these changes, it may be noted, may become new
battlegrounds for a new interpretative matrix within
the WTO dispute settlement system.
Rights: India’s experience in human
rights reveals that democracy, freedom and rule
of law are not luxuries which only the Western societies
can afford.
It is to the credit of India that it not only hosted
a number of refugees from different countries in
the past but even accorded them humanitarian treatment
and protection in the spirit of the UN Charter,
human rights treaties and the cardinal principles
of international refugee law and successfully repatriated
the Bangladeshi, Chakma and Sri Lankan refugees
in the most commendable way without being bound
by the 1951 Refugee Convention or its 1967 Protocol.
India can rightfully boast that it has been able
to deal with the numerous refugees problems in a
satisfactory manner even in the absence of a refugee
specific legislation and that its human rights commissions
and courts are better placed to provide the necessary
protection to individuals as well as group refugees.
It is imperative a comprehensive legislation be
enacted which should adopt a balanced and practical
approach to the refugee issues by ensuring a harmonious
balance between humanitarian concerns involved in
the refugee situation on the one hand and security
concerns and the national interest of the country
on the other.
Environment: India, at national
level, is proactive in promulgating stringent environment
laws, contrary to the reluctance it shows towards
accepting an internationally agreed standard. This
duality of approach needs to be converged. Providing
incentives to India, which is willing to shoulder
tougher environmental obligations, could work better
than punitive measures imposed on the unwilling
States. One such incentive is: setting equitable
standards, on the basis of the principle of common
but different obligation, for the developing countries,
in vital areas of life threatening pollution such
as that which affects climate change. Another possible
way is, by a codification of the law of State responsibility
through integration and unification of nationally
accepted environmental standards on State responsibility
and liability, which by nature are more stringent,
legalistic, and free from development related expression.
This could be done through a process modeled on
the UNCITRAL model law on specific pollution and
also through formulation of general principles comparable
to the UNCITRAL code. This method could certainly
help consolidation and codification of pure principles
of environmental law acceptable to many developing
countries as they are fit for instantaneous application.
Space: India’s space research and
explorations have paid enormous dividends to the
public. The space research and its practical application
have resulted in providing a modern and affordable
telecommunication system, internet connectivity,
radio and television broadcasting, in addition to
contributing to the spreading of education, telemedicine
etc. Space operations are carried out all of public
funds. It is noteworthy that India has declared
that its entire range of space research is for peaceful
purposes and not for military purposes. It employs
several thousand scientists and civilians. The space
organizations such as Indian Space Research Organization
and its scientists enjoy enormous public esteem
in view of their excellent contribution to India’s
reputation as a space-faring nation. Under such
circumstances India could do better if it enacts
a domestic law on its space activities subject to
such constitutionally permissible restrictions and
national security interests. Before ending, it may
be pointed out that enacting comprehensive domestic
space legislation for India, given the range of
activities, is undoubtedly a tedious task. Neither
scientists nor lawyers alone can confidently discharge
the task in this regard. What is needed is a working
group comprising space scientists and expert international
lawyers to make draft legislation for the consideration
of the government.
International Court of Justice:
Indian position and attitude towards the Court,
like any other sovereign state, is guided by the
considerations of the national interest. It is proposed
that there is more scope for India, in line with
her overall influence in international relations,
to guide the development of international law by
way of increased activeness in its overall functioning
of the Court. One way of doing this is to submit
written statements and participate in the oral proceedings
of all advisory proceedings, particularly when such
proceedings may have impact on the broad objectives
of development of international law. India, during
the negotiations of the current and future treaties,
should consistently advocate attaching a jurisdictional
clause to every multilateral treaty conferring jurisdiction,
at least, primarily, upon the ICJ. Furthermore,
India can favourably look into the idea of national
court or tribunal seeking guidance from the ICJ.
Last but not the least, Judge Nagendra Singh advocated
for the use of advisory opinion in case of inter-state
disputes, to obtain – if not actual settlement
of the dispute – at least a legal basis for
such settlement. This position which has found support
among number of Indian scholars is another meritorious
Arbitration: India has not only
responded in positive terms to the need for speedy
and effective resolution of disputes arising out
of international commercial transactions and respected
every single united move of the world of nations
being a signatory to all the international Protocol
and Conventions and ratifying them at the earliest,
but also has taken appropriate legislative measures
to give full effect to the same. In the same spirit,
India has adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law with a
view to bring about an uniformity in the law and
practise of international commercial arbitrations
and also to provide for enforcement of the foreign
arbitral awards and enacted a consolidated law-
the Arbitration and Conciliation ACT, 1996. With
the statutory recognition of institutional arbitrations,
India is for now the ideal venue for conduct of
all international arbitrations particularly those
involving Asian countries. The institutions like
Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA), (ICADR), etc.
are the counterparts of the European institutions
like International Court of Arbitration (ICC), International
Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), London
Court of International Arbitration (LCIA). The Law
Commission of India in its 176th Report has suggested
a number of legislative reforms. In fact, in the
Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill 2003,
international arbitration awards have been given
a special status by limiting the scope of the expression
‘public policy of India’ to mean ‘(i)
fundamental policy of India, or (ii) interests of
India, (iii) justice or morality’ which perfectly
match the concept under the private international
law. Large number of arbitration awards that came
up for enforcement in the Indian courts received
due recognition and are executed with expedition.
Many proceedings initiated in the domestic courts
are stayed and the parties are relegated to arbitrations
if the contracts between them provide for such arbitrations.
A large number of ICC awards have already been enforced.
India could certainly boast of its well-developed
legal regime, jurisprudence and its experts, both
legal and technical, comparable to the best in the
world. India could therefore be the natural choice
for the men of commerce for the seat of international
2 (2008) - ISBN 978- 90-04-16152-8)
UN Reforms: India’s role
in the current round of UN reforms has displayed
a balance sheet wherein the long-term achievements,
which have promoted direct national interests, are
less than overall achievements, which have promoted
common interests of developing countries. It is
perhaps a realistic assessment but the chances of
expansion of the Security Council membership, especially,
the permanent membership are not visible until and
unless a drastic change in the convergence of interests
and needs of current permanent members takes place.
Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Energy:
As far as nuclear weapons are concerned, despite
espoused claims, Indian position, which is deeply
rooted in the national security and energy interests,
does not allow us to judge whether and to what extent
it will set an example of nuclear disarmament for
other states in the world. It is essential imperative
that the country’s energy law internalizes
the concerns of environmental law and cleans development
mechanism, which emphasizes on clean technology
and energy efficiency by emission reduction, which
clearly underpins the recommendations by various
summits on sustainable development. In view of the
importance of the subject, it is essential that
India pays fullest attention to energy issues in
its foreign policy.
Banking: India needs a sound banking
system, which could provide adequate financial support
to the increased levels of developmental activity
being brought about by foreign and domestic players.
The current system lacks certain risk-avoiding measures,
which are essential for any banking system. However,
India’s IT empowered manpower has contributed
greatly in making banks in India Basel-II compliant,
since it provides with ease the software tools,
database management systems and hardware required
for Basel-II compliance to create a risk management
system and infrastructure.
Biotechnology: In the area of biotechnology
laws, since the 1970 act responded well to the specific
socio-economic challenges and served well in the
last three decades, the amendment to 1970 act is
facing enormous challenges especially in the area
of medicines. India is trying to put post-TRIPS
patent system in place but unless it addresses all
concerned areas, it can have disastrous impacts
as far as the access and affordability of medicines
are concerned for the large masses.
Looking at the investment treaty program in India,
one is lead to believe that it is possible for the
Indian executive wings to initiate and timely pursue
reforms in the national legal system making them
compatible with international obligations in a quick
time period, however, the will has to be there.
There is a need to have an adequate mechanism to
monitor whether the so-called advantages of foreign
investment like, transfer of technology, capital
flow, increase in employment opportunities, etc.
have also been increasing, and if there is any such
increase, how far they have been contributing towards
an economy’s sustainable growth and development.
Corruption: There is no scarcity
of anti-corruption laws in India and the problem
is of abundance. An early ratification of UNCAC
and enactment of necessary laws or incorporation
of additional provisions in the existing ones would
contribute greatly to the eradication of corruption.
Together with these measures and effective implementation
of the Right to Information Act, 2005, there are
bright chances of fighting against corruption.
Sports: In the area of sports law,
it is clear that the governmental regulations that
exist in the European Union and the USA on broadcasting
of sports are not suitable in the Indian context.
Therefore, until private free-to-air sports broadcasting
competitors emerge, undue protection to the national
channel is not preferable.
Feminism: By displaying a remarkable
degree of judicial insight, judicial sensitivity
and judicial statesmanship, the Supreme Court of
India has developed gender sensitive human rights
jurisprudence on the basis of the contemporary understanding
of gender based violence as gender-based discrimination
by putting an activist interpretation on Articles
14, 19 and 21 of the Constitution in the light of
principles, norms or standards enshrined in the
international human rights instruments, particularly
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women, 1979.
Family laws: An examination of
the family law and religion strongly underlines
the importance of one indigenous Indian law applicable
to all its communities, which coexist democratically.
Various chapters of volume 2 convincingly argue
that India should become a member of the Hague Conference
on Private International Law, which will help in
facilitating solutions of myriad of family law problems.
At the time of writing this review, India has become
a member of the Hague Conference on Private International
General: The most important thematic
conclusion of both volumes is that India needs to
enact comprehensive national laws to be in conformity
with its international obligations under international
agreements. This Herculean task can be achieved
with pro-active legislature and involvement of all
stakeholders in the process of drafting national
laws. These volumes also highlight the important
role played by the Indian judiciary to import emerging
international norms and standards into the judgment
regardless of India having been party to international
agreements, especially in the areas of environment,
private international law, and human rights. Last
but not the least, the government would be significantly
benefited by the placement of full-time international
legal advisers at important diplomatic missions
such as Geneva, London, the Hague, Vienna, Nairobi,
Bangkok, Paris.
PATEL, is a staff member of Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Hague, the Netherlands;
Honorary Coordinator (Europe), Indian Society of International
Law. He has prepared several articles and books on international
law, among others, The Court World Reference Guide
(1922-2000), introduction by Shabtai Rosenne (Leiden:
Kluwer, 2002), India and International Law volume
1 (Leiden: Brill, 2005), A Comprehensive Guide
of Laws of Human Rights in Commonwealth Countries
(Nagpur: Wadhwa, 2007) and is a visiting professor/guest
lecturer on international law and international relations
at various universities and institutions in Asia, Europe
and Pacific.
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
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